McGill-Queen's University Press
Books from this publisher

Hitler's Cosmopolitan Bastard
Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi and His Vision of Europe

Hollow Tree
Fighting Addiction with Traditional Native Healing

Hollow Tree
Fighting Addiction with Traditional Native Healing

Holocaust, Israel, and Canadian Protestant Churches

Home Feelings
Liberal Citizenship and the Canadian Reading Camp Movement

Home Medicine
The Newfoundland Experience

Homeland for the Cree

Homosexuality and Literature

Honest Sins
Georgian Libertinism and the Plays and Novels of Henry Fielding

Honorer la vérité, réconcilier pour l’avenir
Sommaire du rapport final de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada

Honouring Age
The Social Dynamics of Age Structure in 1 Timothy

Hope Circuits
Rewiring Universities and Other Organizations for Human Flourishing

Hot Money and the Politics of Debt

House of Words
Jewish Writing, Identity, and Memory

House, Home, and Community
Progress in Housing Canadians, 1945 -1986

Households of Faith
Family, Gender, and Community in Canada, 1760-1969

Housing in Postwar Canada
Demographic Change, Household Formation, and Housing Demand

Housing the North American City

How Agriculture Made Canada
Farming in the Nineteenth Century

How It Happened
Documenting the Tragedy of Hungarian Jewry

How Long Have We Got?

How Much Price Competition

How Ottawa Spends 2008-2009
A More Orderly Federalism?

How Ottawa Spends, 1988-1989
The Conservatives Heading into the Stretch

How Ottawa Spends, 1989-1990
The Buck Stops Where?

How Ottawa Spends, 1990-1991
Tracking the Second Agenda

How Ottawa Spends, 1991-1992
The Politics of Fragmentation

How Ottawa Spends, 1992-1993
The Politics of Competitiveness

How Ottawa Spends, 1993-1994
A More Democratic Canada…?

How Ottawa Spends, 1994-95
Making Change

How Ottawa Spends, 1995-96
Mid-life Crisis

How Ottawa Spends, 1996-97
Life Under the Knife