McGill-Queen's University Press
Books from this publisher
Images of Sport in Early Canada / Images du sport dans le Canada d'autrefois
Imagination Indulged
The Irrational in the Nineteenth-Century Novel
Imaginative Structure of the City
Imagined Nations
Reflections on Media in Canadian Fiction
Imagining Culture
New World Narrative and the Writing of Canada
Imagining Holiness
Classic Hasidic Tales in Modern Times
Imagining Justice
The Politics of Postcolonial Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Immigrant Integration in Federal Countries
Immigrant Settlement Policy in Canadian Municipalities
Immigrants and the Labour Force
Policy, Regulation, and Impact
Imperial Challenge
Quebec and Britain in the Age of the American Revolution
Imperial Irish
Canada’s Irish Catholics Fight the Great War, 1914-1918
Imperial Paradoxes
Training the Senses and Tasting the Eighteenth Century
Implied Consent and Sexual Assault
Intimate Relationships, Autonomy, and Voice
Imposing Their Will
An Organizational History of Jewish Toronto, 1933-1948
Imprinting Britain
Newspapers, Sociability, and the Shaping of British North America
Imprisoning Our Sisters
The New Federal Women's Prisons in Canada
In Armageddon's Shadow
The Civil War and Canada's Maritime Provinces
In Between Countries
Australia, Canada, and the Search for Order in Agricultural Trade
In Business for Ourselves
Northern Entrepreneurs
In Caps and Gowns
The Story of the School for Graduate Nurses, McGill University, 1920-1964
In Defence of Open-Mindedness
In Defence of Religious Schools and Colleges
In Defence of the Faith
Joaquim Marques de Araújo, a Comissário in the Age of Inquisitional Decline
In Duty Bound
Men, Women, and the State in Upper Canada, 1783-1841
In First Gear
The French Automobile Industry to 1914
In Good Hands
The Women of the Canadian Handicrafts Guild
In His Name
The Anglican Experience in Upper Canada, 1791-1854
In Its Corporate Capacity
The Seminary of Montreal as a Business Institution, 1816-1876
In My Heart's Best Wishes for You
A biography of Archbishop John Walsh
In Praise of Mixed Religion
The Syncretism Solution in a Multifaith World
In Praise of Natural Philosophy
A Revolution for Thought and Life