McGill-Queen's University Press
Books from this publisher
Railway Game
Random Walks
Essays in Elective Criticism
Rantin' Pipe and Tremblin' String
A History of Scottish Dance Music
Ravished by the Spirit
Religious Revivals, Baptists, and Henry Alline
Raymond Klibansky
A Life in Philosophy
Raymond Klibansky and the Warburg Library Network
Intellectual Peregrinations from Hamburg to London and Montreal
Reaching Outward and Upward
The University of Victoria, 1963-2013
Reading Alice Munro with Jacques Lacan
Reading Mansfield and Metaphors of Form
Reading Nelligan
Reading between the Borderlines
Cultural Production and Consumption across the 49th Parallel
Reading the 21st Century
Books of the Decade, 2000-2009
Reading the Diaries of Henry Trent
The Everyday Life of a Canadian Englishman, 1842-1898
Audiences, Feeling, and the Production of Realness in Contemporary Performance
Realism and Anti-Realism
Reason and Self-Enactment in History and Politics
Themes and Voices of Modernity
Reasonable Self-Esteem
Reasonable Self-Esteem, Second Edition
A Life of Meaning
Rebellion of 1837 in Upper Canada
Recasting History
How CBC Television Has Shaped Canada's Past
Recent Social Trends in Bulgaria, 1960-1995
Recent Social Trends in Canada, 1960-2000
Recent Social Trends in France, 1960-1990
Recent Social Trends in Greece, 1960-2000
Recent Social Trends in Italy, 1960-1995
Recent Social Trends in Quebec, 1960-1990
Recent Social Trends in Russia 1960-1995
Recent Social Trends in West Germany, 1960-1990
Recesses of the Mind
Aesthetics in the Work of Guðbergur Bergsson
Reckoning with History
Essays on Uses of the Past
Reclaiming Democracy
The Social Justice and the Political Economy of Gregory Baum and Kari Polanyi Levitt