McGill-Queen's University Press
Books from this publisher
Big Picture
The Antigonish Movement of Eastern Nova Scotia
Bilingual Being
My Life as a Hyphen
Bilingual Today, United Tomorrow
Official Languages in Education and Canadian Federalism
Biography and Autobiography
Essays on Irish and Canadian History and Literature
Bird on an Ethics Wire
Battles about Values in the Culture Wars
Bishop's University, 1843-1970
Bitter in the Belly
Black Then
Blacks and Montreal, 1780s-1880s
Blackness and Modernity
The Colour of Humanity and the Quest for Freedom
Blacks in Canada
A History
Blatant Injustice
The Story of a Jewish Refugee from Nazi Germany Imprisoned in Britain and Canada during World War II
Blitzkrieg and Jitterbugs
College Life in Wartime, 1939-1942
Blockades or Breakthroughs?
Aboriginal Peoples Confront the Canadian State
Blood Ground
Colonialism, Missions, and the Contest for Christianity in the Caoe Colony and Britain, 1799-1853
Blood and Religion
The Conscience of Henri IV
Blowing up the Skirt of History
Recovered and Reanimated Plays by Early Canadian Women Dramatists, 1876-1920
Bodily Subjects
Essays on Gender and Health, 1800-2000
Body Counts
Medical Quantification in Historical and Sociological Perspectives//Perspectives historiques et sociologiques sur la quantification médicale
Body or the Soul?
Religion and Culture in a Quebec Parish, 1736-1901
Bombs, Bullets, and Politicians
France's Response to Terrorism
Booze, Cigarettes, and Constitutional Dust-Ups
Canada's Quest for Interprovincial Free Trade
Border Crossings
US Culture and Education in Saskatchewan, 1905-1937
Border Within
National Identity, Cultural Plurality, and Wilderness
Boris Pil'niak
A Soviet Writer in Conflict with the State
Both Hands
A Life of Lorne Pierce of Ryerson Press
Both Hands
A Life of Lorne Pierce of Ryerson Press
Boundaries of the Canadian Confederation
Boundary Bargain
Growth, Development, and the Future of City-County Separation
Boundless Dominion
Providence, Politics, and the Early Canadian Presbyterian Worldview
Bounty and Benevolence
A Documentary History of Saskatchewan Treaties