McGill-Queen's University Press
Books from this publisher
Canada Among Nations, 2007
What Room for Manoeuvre?
Canada Among Nations, 2008
100 Years of Canadian Foreign Policy
Canada Among Nations, 2009-2010
As Others See Us
Canada Among Nations, 2011-2012
Canada and Mexico's Unfinished Agenda
Canada Before Confederation
A Study on Historical Geography
Canada Enters the Nuclear Age
A Technical History of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited as Seen from Its Research Laboratories
Canada Fire
Radical Evangelicalism in British North America, 1775-1812
Canada and Climate Change
Canada and Immigration
Canada and the Cost of World War II
The International Operations of Canada's Department of Finance, 1939-1947
Canada and the Crown
Essays in Constitutional Monarchy
Canada and the Ethics of Constitutionalism
Identity, Destiny, and Constitutional Faith
Canada and the Global Economy
The Geography of Structural and Technological Change
Canada and the Great War
Western Front Association Papers
Canada and the Idea of North
Canada and the International Seabed
Domestic Determinants and External Constraints
Canada and the OAS
From Dilettante to Full Partner
Canada and the Ukrainian Crisis
Canada and the Ukrainian Question, 1939-1945
Canada and the United Nations
Legacies, Limits, Prospects
Canada as Statebuilder?
Development and Reconstruction Efforts in Afghanistan
Canada before Television
Radio, Taste, and the Struggle for Cultural Democracy
Canada in Cities
The Politics and Policy of Federal-Local Governance
Canada in NATO, 1949–2019
Canada in Sudan, Sudan in Canada
Immigration, Conflict, and Reconstruction
Canada in the European Age, 1453-1919
Canada in the Global Village
Canada in the Soviet Mirror
Ideology and Perception in Soviet Foreign Affairs, 1917-1991
Canada to Ireland
Poetry, Politics, and the Shaping of Canadian Nationalism, 1788–1900
Canada's Balance of International Indebtedness, 1900-1913
Canada's Big Biblical Bargain
How McGill University Bought the Dead Sea Scrolls
Canada's Century
Governance in a Maturing Society