McGill-Queen's University Press
Books from this publisher
Civic Freedom in an Age of Diversity
The Public Philosophy of James Tully
Civil War Years
Canada and the United States
Civil Wars in Africa
Roots and Resolution
Civilians at the Sharp End
First Canadian Army Civil Affairs in Northwest Europe
From Enlightenment Philosophy to Canadian History
Class, Ethnicity, and Social Inequality
Classical Music
Expect the Unexpected
Classroom and Empire
The Politics of Schooling Russia's Eastern Nationalities, 1860-1917
Claude Buffier and Thomas Reid
Two Common-Sense Philosophers
Claude Jutra
Climate Change in the 21st Century
Series One, Two and Three
Close Ties
Railways, Government, and the Board of Railway Commissioners, 1851-1933
Coalescence of Styles
The Ethnic Heritage of St John River Valley Regional Furniture, 1763-1851
Coasts Under Stress
Restructuring and Social-Ecological Health
Codex Canadensis and the Writings of Louis Nicolas
The Natural History of the New World, Histoire Naturelle des Indes Occidentales
Cognitive Code
Post-Anthropocentric Intelligence and the Infrastructural Brain
Cold Comfort
My Love Affair with the Arctic
Cold Comfort, Second Edition
My Love Affair with the Arctic
Cold Rush
The Astonishing True Story of the New Quest for the Polar North
Coldest Harbour in the Land
Simon Stock and Lord Baltimore's Colony in Newfoundland, 1621-1649
Coleridge and the Inspired Word
Collapse of a Country
A Diplomat's Memoir of South Sudan
Collected Poems of Bronwen Wallace
Collections and Objections
Aboriginal Material Culture in Southern Ontario
Collective Bargaining and the Public Interest
A Welfare Economics Assessment
Colonial Reformers and Canada, 1830-1849
Colonialism's Currency
Money State and First Nations in Canada 1820-1950
Colonization and Community
The Vancouver Island Coalfield and the Making of the British Columbian Working Class
Columbia Journals
Bicentennial Edition
Coming to Canada
Comings and Goings
University Students in Canadian Society, 1854-1973