McGill-Queen's University Press
Books from this publisher
Conrad's Later Novels
Conscripted to Care
Women on the Frontlines of the COVID-19 Response
Consent, Coercion, and Limit
The Medieval Origins of Parliamentary Democracy
Considerations on France
Consociational Democracy
Political Accommodation in Segmented Societies
Constant Struggle
Histories of Canadian Democratization
Constitutional Dynamics in Federal Systems
Sub-national Perspectives
Constitutional Origins, Structure, and Change in Federal Countries
Constitutional Politics in Multinational Democracies
Constitutional Predicament
Canada after the Referendum of 1992
Constructing Colonial Discourse
Cook at Nootka Sound, 1778
Consumers in the Bush
Shopping in Rural Upper Canada
Contemplation and Incarnation
The Theology of Marie-Dominique Chenu
Contemporary Federalist Thought in Quebec
Historical Perspectives
Contemporary Majority Nationalism
Contemporary Musical Expressions in Canada
Contesting Rural Space
Land Policy and Practices of Resettlement on Saltspring Island, 1859-1891
Contesting the Moral High Ground
Popular Moralists in Mid-Twentieth-Century Britain
Contexts of Acadian History, 1686-1784
Contexts of Canada's Past
Selected Essays of W.L. Morton
Continental Community?
Independence and Integration in North America
Continentalizing Canadian Telecommunications
The Politics of Regulatory Reform
Contract Workers, Risk, and the War in Iraq
Sierra Leonean Labor Migrants at US Military Bases
Contribution of Methodism to Atlantic Canada
Contribution of Presbyterianism to the Maritime Provinces of Canada
Controversy and Complexity
Canadian Immigration Policy during the 1980s
Convergence or Divergence?
Comparing Recent Social Trends in Industrial Societies
Convergent Knowing
Christianity and Science in Conversation with a Suffering Creation
Coping with Geopolitical Decline
The United States in European Perspective
Corporate Autonomy and Institutional Control
The Crown Corporation as a Problem in Organization Design
Corporate Law and Sustainability from the Next Generation of Lawyers
Corpus and the Cortex
The 3-D Mind, Volume 2