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McGill-Queen's University Press

Books from this publisher

Democracy with Justice/La juste democratie

Melanges en l'honneur de/Essays in Honour of Khayyam Zev Paltiel

by (author) Alain-G Gagnon & Brian Tanguay

Democracy's Angels

The Work of Women Teachers

by (author) Kristina R. Llewellyn

Democratic Dilemma

Reforming Canada's Supreme Court

by (author) Nadia Verrelli

Democratic Legitimacy

Plural Values and Political Power

by (author) Frederick M. Barnard

Democratic Society and Human Needs

by (author) Jeff Noonan

Demography, State and Society

Irish Migration to Britain, 1921-1971

by (author) Enda Delaney

Demon Rum or Easy Money

Government Control of Liquor in British Columbia from Prohibition to Privatization

by (author) Robert A. Campbell

Depression and the Social Environment

Research and Intervention with Neglected Populations

by (author) Philippe Cappeliez & Robert J. Flynn

Depth Psychology, Interpretation, and the Bible

An Ontological Essay on Freud

by (author) Brayton Polka

Des pouvoirs et des hommes

L'administration municipale de Montreal, 1900-1950

by (author) Michèle Dagenais

Des sociétés distinctes

Gouverner les banlieues bourgeoises de Montréal, 1880-1939

by (author) Harold Bérubé

Descartes and the Enlightenment

by (author) Peter A. Schouls

Designed Words for a Designed World

The International Concrete Poetry Movement, 1955-1971

by (author) Jamie Hilder

Designing Fictions

Literature Confronts Advertising

by (author) Michael L. Ross

Designing Government

From Instruments to Governance

by (author) Pearl Eliadis, Margaret M. Hill & Michael Howlett

Desire Change

Contemporary Feminist Art in Canada

edited by Heather Davis

Desiring a Better Country

Forays in Political Theology

by (author) Douglas Farrow


Islamic Fundamentalist Extremism and the War on Terror in Canada

by (author) Daniel Livermore

Determining Boundaries in a Conflicted World

The Role of Uti Possidetis

by (author) Suzanne N. Lalonde

Development of Elites in Acadian New Brunswick, 1861-1881

by (author) Sheila M. Andrew

Development of Postwar Canadian Trade Policy

The Failure of the Anglo-European Option

by (author) B. Muirhead

Development of the Idea of History in Antiquity

by (author) Gerald A. Press

Development of the Pacific Salmon-Canning Industry

A Grown Man's Game

by (author) Diane Newell

Devolution and Constitutional Development in the Canadian North

by (author) Gurston Dacks

Devotion to Their Science

Pioneer Women of Radioactivity

by (author) Marelene F. Rayner-Canham & Geoffrey W. Rayner-Canham

Devouring Time

Nostalgia in Contemporary Shakespearean Screen Adaptations

by (author) Philippa Sheppard

Diagnosing Genius

The Life and Death of Beethoven

by (author) François Martin Mai

Dialectic of Love

Platonism in Schiller's Aesthetics

by (author) David Pugh

Dialogues on Constitutional Origins, Structure, and Change in Federal Countries, Vol. 1

by (author) Raoul Blindenbacher

Dialogues on Distribution of Powers and Responsibilities in Federal Countries

by (author) Raoul Blindenbacher

Dialogues on Diversity and Unity in Federal Countries

by (author) Rupak Chattopadhyay & Abigail Ostien Karos

Dialogues on Intergovernmental Relations in Federal Systems

by (author) Karl Nerenberg

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