Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Books from this publisher
Reflections on Cultural Policy
Past, Present and Future
Reflections on Values Education
Religion and Public Discourse in an Age of Transition
Reflections on Bahá’í Practice and Thought
Religion in History / La religion dans l’histoire
The Word, the Idea, the Reality / Le mot, l’idée, la realité
Religious Dimensions of Child and Family Life
Reflections on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Religious Rivalries and the Struggle for Success in Caesarea Maritima
Religious Rivalries and the Struggle for Success in Caesarea Maritima
Religious Rivalries and the Struggle for Success in Sardis and Smyrna
Religious Studies in Alberta
A State-of-the-Art Review
Reliving the Trenches
Memory Plays by Veterans of the Great War
Repossessing the World
Reading Memoirs by Contemporary Women
Representing Sound
Notes on the Ontology of Recorded Musical Communications
Bane or Blessing
Reverse Shots
Indigenous Film and Media in an International Context
Rhetoric and Reality in Early Christianities
Ring Around the Maple
A Sociocultural History of Children and Childhoods in Canada, 19th and 20th Centuries
Rites of Way
The Politics and Poetics of Public Space
Ritual and Ethnic Identity
A Comparative Study of the Social Meaning of Liturgical Ritual in Synagogues
The Poetry of Daphne Marlatt
Robert Thorne Coryndon
Proconsular Imperialism in Southern and Eastern Africa, 1897-1925
Romantic Hospitality and the Resistance to Accommodation
Rough and Plenty
A Memorial
Rough and Plenty
A Memorial
Rupert’s Land
A Cultural Tapestry
Admiral Sir Herbert Richmond 1871-1946
Salighed As Happiness?
Kierkegaard on the Concept Salighed
Salomania and the Representation of Race and Gender in Modern Erotic Dance
Sam Hughes
The Public Career of a Controversial Canadian, 1885-1916
Satisfaction All Around
(Les Contens)
Scandalous Bodies
Diasporic Literature in English Canada
Science, Pseudo-Science and Society
Science, Technology and Canadian History
Les Sciences, la technologie et l’histoire et l’histoire