Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Books from this publisher
Scratching River
Seeing in the Dark
The Poetry of Phyllis Webb
Seven Eggs Today
The Diaries of Mary Armstrong, 1859 and 1869
Sexual Violence at Canadian Universities
Activism, Institutional Responses, and Strategies for Change
Shifting the Ground of Canadian Literary Studies
Silence, the Word and the Sacred
Simone Weil
An Introduction to Her Thought
Skeletons in the Closet
A Sociological Analysis of Family Conflicts
Slanting I, Imagining We
Asian Canadian Literary Production in the 1980s and 1990s
Slippery Pastimes
Reading the Popular in Canadian Culture
Social Poesis
The Poetry of Rachel Zolf
Social Policy and Practice in Canada
A History
Social Policy and Social Justice
The NDP Government in Saskatchewan during the Blakeney Years
Social Work Artfully
Beyond Borders and Boundaries
Soldiers of Song
The Dumbells and Other Canadian Concert Parties of the First World War
Soldiers of Song
The Dumbells and Other Canadian Concert Parties of the First World War
Something to Cry About
An Argument against Corporal Punishment of Children in Canada
Selected and New Poetry of Paul Dutton
Soren Kierkegaard’s Psychology
Soundin' Canaan
Black Canadian Poetry, Music, and Citizenship
Space Between Her Lips
The Poetry of Margaret Christakos
Speaking in the Past Tense
Canadian Novelists on Writing Historical Fiction
Spiritual Care and Therapy
Integrative Perspectives
Spirituality and Health
Multidisciplinary Explorations
Spirituality in Social Work and Education
Theory, Practice, and Pedagogies
Sporting Justice
The Chatham Coloured All-Stars and Black Baseball in Southwestern Ontario, 1915–1958
Stan Brakhage in Rolling Stock, 1980-1990
Stranger at the Door
Writers and the Act of Writing
Street Angel
Street Angel
Structural Idealism
A Theory of Social and Historical Explanation
Struggles for Justice in Canada and Mexico
Themes and Theories about Social Mobilization