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Showing 1345-1376 of 2530 results

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Dark Water Songs

by (author) Mary Lou Soutar-Hynes

Holocaust, Israel, and Canadian Protestant Churches

by (author) Haim Genizi


by (author) Claire Wilkshire

From Cohen to Carson

The Poet's Novel in Canada

by (author) Ian Rae


by (author) Garry Ryan

Integrating School and Workplace Learning in Canada

Principles and Practices of Alternation Education and Training

by (author) Hans G. Schuetze & Robert Sweet

Billie and Bean at the Beach

by (author) Julia Hansson
translated by B.J. Woodstein

Canadian Democracy from the Ground Up

Perceptions and Performance

edited by Elisabeth Gidengil & Heather Bastedo

Sleepers and Ties

by (author) Gail Kirkpatrick

Rag Cosmology

by (author) Erin Robinsong

Electric Affinities

by (author) Michael Pacey

Treading Fast Rivers

by (author) Eleonore Schönmaier

I see my love more clearly from a distance

by (author) Nora Gould

Still Point

by (author) E. Martin Nolan

Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart

by (author) Beatriz Hausner

Baldur's Song

A Saga

by (author) David Arnason

Statesmen, Strategists, and Diplomats

Canada’s Prime Ministers and the Making of Foreign Policy

foreword by John R. English
edited by Patrice Dutil


by (author) Kim Trainor


by (author) Sharon King-Campbell

Sage Island

by (author) Samantha Warwick

Lo (or Dear Mr. Wells)

by (author) Rose Napoli

Aestheticism and the Canadian Modernists

Aspects of a Poetic Influence

by (author) Brian Trehearne

Meet You There

by (author) Jessica Wallace

Site Catchment Analysis of the Little Qualicum River Site, DiSc 1

A Wet Site on the East Coast of Vancouver Island, B.C.

by (author) Kathryn N. Bernick

Lent Roland

by (author) Deborah Kerbel
illustrated by Marianne Ferrer
translated by Rachel Martinez

Grandmother Ptarmigan

by (author) Qaunaq Mikkigak & Joanne Schwartz
illustrated by Qin Leng

Conscience subalterne, conscience identitaire

La voix des femmes assistées au sein des organisations féministes et communautaires

by (author) Jacinthe Michaud

Bad Bot

by (author) Pierrette Dubé
illustrated by Vigg
translated by David Warriner

The Noble Savage

Allegory of Freedom

by (author) Stelio Cro
foreword by Aubrey Rosenberg

The Wrench

by (author) Elise Gravel
translated by Charles Simard

Trop tôt pour se lever!

by (author) Lawrence Schimel
illustrated by Elīna Brasliņa
translated by Rachel Martinez

The Left-Handed Dinner Party and Other Stories

by (author) Myrl Coulter

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