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Le Voyage de Belle

by (author) Marilynn Reynolds
illustrated by Stephen McCallum

Femmes de carrière, carrières de femmes

Étude des trajectoires familiales, scolaires et professionnelles des gestionnaires québecoises et on

by (author) Cécile Coderre, Ann Denis & Caroline Andrew

Femmes francophones et pluralisme en milieu minoritaire

edited by Dyane Adam


by (author) Jean-Louis Grosmaire

Diet, Nutrition, and Health

by (author) Kenneth K. Carroll

Asbestos Heights

by (author) David McGimpsey

Accessibility and Active Offer

Health Care and Social Services in Linguistic Minority Communities

edited by Marie Drolet, Pier Bouchard & Jacinthe Savard


by (author) Marla Lesage


Admiral Sir Herbert Richmond 1871-1946

by (author) Barry D. Hunt

Language is the Key

The Canadian Language Benchmarks Model

edited by Monika Jezak

Imperial Power and Regional Trade

The Caribbean Basin Initiative

edited by Abigail B. Bakan, David Cox & Colin Leys

L’autobus infernal

by (author) Gail Anderson-Dargatz
translated by Rachel Martinez

Ce que la rivière nous procurait

Archéologie et histoire du réservoir de l’Eastmain-1

edited by Pierre Bibeau, David Denton & André Burroughs

Sortir du labyrinthe

Femmes, développement et vie quotidienne en Colombie andine

by (author) Marie France Labrecque

Le verger de M. Drumlin

by (author) Keith Weaver

Challenging Times

The Women's Movement in Canada and the United States

by (author) Constance Backhouse & David H. Flaherty

Les Inventeurs de dictionnaires

De l'eduba des scribes mésopotamiens au scriptorium des moines médiévaux

by (author) Jean-Claude Boulanger

The Beautiful Place

by (author) Lee Gowan

Contemporary Majority Nationalism

by (author) Alain-G Gagnon & André Lecours
edited by Nootens

Tracings of Gerald Le Dain's Life in the Law

edited by G. Blaine Baker & Richard Janda

Death Drive Through Gaia Paris

by (author) Charles Noble

Symphony Nova Scotia at 54

A Milestone of Musical History

by (author) Mary Lu MacDonald, Adrian Hoffman & Jane Gordon

Enjeux contemporains de l'éducation scientifique et technologique

edited by Abdelkrim Hasni & Joël Lebeaume

L’ Habillé et le nu

Pour une éthique du vêtir et du dénuder

by (author) André Guindon

Beyond the Academic Gateway

Looking back on the Tenure-Track Journey

edited by Timothy Sibbald & Victoria Handford
contributions by Cecile Badenhorst, Lee Anne Block, Joan Chambers, Cam Cobb, Frank Deer, Lyle Hamm, Lloyd Kornelsen, Onowa McIvor, Heather McLeod, Peter Milley, Sylvia Moore, Greg Ogilvie, Sharon Penney, Sarah Pickett, Gregory Rickwood, Maria del Carmen Rodriguez, Margarida Romero, Patricia Rosborough, Manu Sharma, Kathy Snow & Gabrielle Young

Les Littératies

Perspectives linguistique, familiale et culturelle

edited by Anne-Marie Dionne & Marie Josée Berger


Word Sonnets - Sonnets d'un mot

by (author) Seymour Mayne
translated by Sabine Huynh

L'étoile du nord

Le mystère éternel de Tom Thomson et de la femme qui l’aimait

translated by Benoit Léger
by (author) Roy MacGregor

Un historien dans la cité

Gaétan Gervais et l’Ontario français

by (author) François-Olivier Dorais

A Hug on the Wind

by (author) Robin Stevenson
illustrated by Kristina Jones

Corbeau Blanc

by (author) Teoni Spathelfer
translated by Nicole Laurendeau
illustrated by Natassia Davies

The Friendship Guide

by (author) Jillian Roberts
illustrated by Andrea Armstrong

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