Emotions for Kids age 1-3 (Engage Early Readers: Children's Learning Books)

ABC Animals for Kids age 1-3 (Engage Early Readers: Children's Learning Books)

Who Pays for Canada?
Taxes and Fairness

The Tainted-Blood Tragedy in Canada
A Cascade of Governance Failures

Touching Beauty
The Poetics of Kim Thúy

Chaucer and Language
Essays in Honour of Douglas Wurtele

Norwegian Oil Policies

Room at the Inn
Historic Hotels of British Columbia’s Southern Interior

Cities in the west
Papers of the Western Canada Urban History Conference, University of Winnipeg, October 1974

Rough and Plenty
A Memorial

Saltwater Socks
Mittens, Caps and More from the Island of Newfoundland

Aboriginal Title and Indigenous Peoples
Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

The Kindergartener’s Handbook: ABC’s, Vowels, Math, Shapes, Colors, Time, Senses, Rhymes, Science, and Chores, with 300 Words that every Kid should Know (Engage Early Readers: Children's Learning Books)

Ancient Greek
A Structural Programme, Volume 1

Captive of the Castle of Sennaar
An African Tale

The Boy Who Woke the Sun

Staples, Markets, and Cultural Change
Selected Essays

Our Big Little Place


The Man in Blue Pyjamas
A Prison Memoir

Margot and the Moon Landing

Artifacts from "A coat of many colours :two centuries of Jewish life in Canada" / Objets de l'exposition "La tunique aux couleurs multiples : deux siècles de présence juive au Canada"

Contributions to the Later Prehistory of Kodiak Island, Alaska

Walker Site — The Hamilton Site: A Late Historic Neutral Town

Reconstructing Ontario Iroquoian Village Organization — Ontario Iroquois Tradition Longhouses

Back Roads

War Memories
Commemoration, Recollections, and Writings on War

In the Red Canoe

In the Red Canoe Read-Along

The Memory Effect
The Remediation of Memory in Literature and Film

Overcoming the Neutral Zone Trap
Hockey’s Agents of Change

Elephant in the Sky
A Novel