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Any Questions?

illustrated by Marie-Louise Gay

Sundays Are for Feasts

by (author) Leila Boukarim
illustrated by Ruaida Mannaa

Strangers Among Us

Tales of Underdogs and Outcasts

edited by Susan Forest & Lucas K. Law
by (author) Kelley Armstrong, James Alan Gardner, Edward Willett, Suzanne Church, A.M. Dellamonica, Gemma Files, Bev Geddes, Erika Holt, Tyler Keevil, Rich Larson, Derwin Mak, Mahtab Narsimhan, Sherry Peters, Ursula Pflug, Robert Runté, Hayden Trenholm, Lorina Stephens, Amanda Sun & A.C. Wise
introduction by Julie Czerneda

The Idea of a Human Rights Museum

contributions by Karen Busby, Adam Muller, Andrew Woolford, Jennifer Carter, Clint Curle, Angela Failler, Helen Fallding, Jodi Giesbrecht, Amanda Grzyb, George Jacob, Stephen Jaeger, A. Dirk Moses, Jorge A. Nállim, Ken Norman, Armando Perla, David Petrasek, Ruth B. Phillips, Christopher Powell, Mary Reid, Roger I. Simon & Struan Sinclair

Confederation Debates in the Province of Canada, 1865

by (author) P.B. Waite

Skeena River Prehistory

by (author) Richard Inglis & George F. MacDonald

The Runner

by (author) Christopher Morris


by (author) Steve McOrmond

Conversations in Food Studies

edited by Colin R. Anderson, Jennifer Brady & Charles Z. Levkoe
foreword by Mustafa Koç
contributions by Mary A. Beckie, Eva A. Bogdan, Mark Bomford, Jennifer A. Braun, Samara Brock, Robyn Bunn, Kirsten Valentine Cadieux, Chantal Clement, Anais Detolle, Arthur Green, Ankit Gupta, Robert Jennings, Josee Johnson, Huddart Kennedy, Ahmed Khan, Keith Lee, Kristen Lowitt, Wanda Martin, Victoria Millious, Phil Mount, Erika Mundel, Alan Nash, Seriy Polyakov, Keren Rideout, Steffanie Scott, Tammara Soma, Cathryn Sprague, Jennifer Sumner, David Szanto, Lani Trenouth, Penny Van Esterik, Matt Ventresca, Cassie Wever, Carmen Wong & Konstantinos Zougris

Bibliothèques et archives dans les communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire

Enjeux et devenir

contributions by Alain Roy, Lucie Hotte, Hélène Carrier, Nadia Caidi, Céline Gareau-Brennan, Catherine Lachaîne, Lorraine O’Donnell, Martin Pâquet, Richard A. Russo, Sarah Shaughnessy & Raymond Théberge
edited by Linda Savoie
series edited by Pierre Anctil

Harm's Way

Disasters in Western Canada

edited by Anthony Rasporich
contributions by Max Foran, Hugh A. Dempsey, Janice Dickin, Lorry W. Felske, Joe Cherwinski, Patrick H. Brennan, David Breen, Clint Evans, David C. Jones & J.M. Bumsted

The River of History

Trans-national and Trans-disciplinary Perspectives on the Immanence of the Past

edited by Peter Farrugia
contributions by Robert Wright, Leo Groarke, John McLaren, Nancy E. Wright, A.R. Buck, John S. Hill, Jeffrey Scott Brown, Carol B. Duncan, James Gerrie, M. Carleton Simpson & Stephen F. Haller

Everyday Skeptics

Devotions for Spiritual Growth

edited by Alydia Smith
contributions by Edna Bovas, Basil Coward, Jennifer Garbin, Peter Haresnape, Aidan Legault, Paola Márquez, Greer Anne Wenh-In Ng & Karen Georgia A. Thompson

The State in Transition

Challenges for Canadian Federalism

edited by Michael Behiels
contributions by François Rocher, Robert Talbot, Thomas O. Hueglin, Jeremy A. Clarke, Daniel Bourgeois, Patrick Fafard, Andrew Bourns, Peter Graefe, Raffaele Iacovino, Geneviève Nootens, Geoffrey Hale, France Morrissette & Brooke Jeffrey

The Unimagined Canadian Capital

Challenges for the Federal Capital Region

edited by Rupak Chattopadhyay & Gilles Paquet
contributions by Meyer Burstein, Éric Champagne, Almos Tassonyi, Caroline Andrew, Guy Chiasson, Andrew Sancton, David L.A. Gordon, André Juneau & Anne Gilbert

Tout petit toi

by (author) Richard Van Camp
illustrated by Julie Flett
translated by Rachel Martinez

All the Names Between

by (author) Julie McCarthy

Atlas de neuroanatomie fonctionnelle

Première édition française

by (author) Walter J. Hendelman
translated by Tetracomm Inc.

The Realms of Ancient Collection

by (author) S.M. Beiko


A Western Thule Site on Herschel Island, Yukon Territory

by (author) Brian Willard David Yorga

Petworth Emigration Set

Assisting Emigration to Upper Canada: The Petworth Project, 1832-1837; English Immigrant Voices: Labourers' Letters from Upper Canada in the 183s

by (author) Wendy Cameron, Sheila Haines & Mary Maude

Haida Burial Practices

Three Archaeological Examples; The Gust Island Burial Shelter, The Skungo Cave North Island, Mass Burials from Tan

by (author) George F. MacDonald & Jerome S. Cybulski

P'tit train va loin

Histoires de vie de trois cheminots

by (author) Madeleine Lemieux-Pépin

A History of the Old Icelandic Commonwealth

Islendinga Saga

by (author) Jon Johannesson
translated by Haraldur Bessason

Lucy joue au baseball

by (author) Lisa Bowes
illustrated by James Hearne
translated by Rachel Martinez

Parks, Peace, and Partnership

Global Initiatives in Transboundary Conservation

contributions by Michael S. Quinn, Len Broberg, Wayne Freimund, David A. Mihalic, Peter Jacobs, Gillian Anderson, Betty Weiler, Jennifer Laing, Susan A. Moore, Barbara Ehringhaus, Angeles Mendoza Sammet, J. Todd Walters, David Mabunda, Freek Venter, Danie Pienaar, Piet Theron, Michael L. Schoon, Goetz Schuerholz, Rolf D. Baldus, Bartolomeu Soto, Kevan Zunkel, Robert Fincham, Theresa Sowry, Kent L. Biringer, K.C. Cariappa, Hall Healy, Animesh Sarkar, Milindo Chakrabarti, Charles C. Chester, Belinda Sifford, Lynda H. Schneekloth, Kerry Mitchell, Patrick Robsen & Robert G. Shibley

Alberta's Lower Athabasca Basin

Archaeology and Palaeoenvironments

edited by Brian M. Ronaghan
contributions by Alwynne B. Beaudoin, Janet Blakey, Luc Bouchet, James A. Burns, Grant M. Clarke, Gloria J. Fedirchuk, Timothy G. Fisher, Duane G. Froese, Eugene M. Gryba, John W. Ives, Raymond J. Le Blanc, Murray Lobb, Thomas V. Lowell, Brian O.K. Reeves, Elizabeth C. Robertson, Laura Roskowski, Nancy Saxberg, Jennifer C. Tischer, Stephen A. Wolfe, Robin J. Woywitka, Robert R. Young & Angela M. Younie

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, V32 #1

Villes et langues

Gouvernance et politiques – Symposium international

edited by Caroline Andrew & Richard Clément
contributions by Graham Fraser, Sylvie A. Lamoureux, Emili Boix-Fuster, Gemma Cots, Georgina Rufo, Daniel Bourgeois, Aaron Burry, Guy Chiasson, Maria Björnberg-Enckell, Christina Späti, Phillipe Hambye, Jordi Font, Antoni Rodon, Pierre-Yves Moeschler & Colin H. Williams

Trade Negotiations in Agriculture

A Future Common Agenda for Brazil and Canada?

contributions by Jane H. Kelley, May T. Yeung, James D. Rude, Annette Hester, Laura J. Loppacher, Marcos S. Jank, Mario Q.M. Jales, William A. Kerr, Grant E. Issac, Estela Tavares, Eugene Bealieu, Shenjie Chen, Florencia Jubany & James D. Gaisford
edited by William Kerr & James Gaisford

Archaeology on the Edge

New Perspectives from the Northern Plains

edited by Jane H. Kelley
contributions by Brian Kooyman, Jack W. Brink, J.F. Dormaar, H.V. Hills, Jane Kelley, Alison Landals, Robert McGhee, Paul McNeil, Gerald A. Oetelaar, Trevor R. Peck, Scott Raymond, Elizabeth Robertson, M. Shayne Tolman, J. Rod Vickers, Dale Walde & Michael C. Wilson

Cultural Policy

Origins, Evolution, and Implementation in Canada's Provinces and Territories

edited by Diane St-Pierre & Monica Gattinger
with Jean-Paul Baillargeon, Nicole Barrieau, Alison Beale, Daniel Bourgeois, Donna Gannon, Joy Cohnstaedt, Patrice A. Dutil, Fernand Harvey, M. Sharon Jeanotte, Jan Marontate, Catherine Murray, Ronald Rompkey, Dick Stanley, Karen Wall & David Whitson

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