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An Owl at Sea

by (author) Susan Vande Griek
illustrated by Ian Wallace

Come Back to Earth, Esther!

by (author) Josée Bisaillon


by (author) Sean Devine

Summer Days Fall Days

by (author) Kate Colley
illustrated by Dale Nigel Goble

Gods of the Hammer

The Teenage Head Story

by (author) Geoff Pevere

Tableau d'avancement III

Pour une diaspora canadienne-française antifragile

by (author) Gilles Paquet

Musique traditionnelle pour accordéon diatonique

Philippe Bruneau

by (author) Carmelle Bégin

La triche


by (author) Kristin Butcher

Intérieurs domestiques des menuisiers et charpentiers de la région de Québec, 1810-1819

by (author) Jacques Bernier

Gouvernance et appropriation locale du développement

Au-delà des modèles importés

edited by Jacques Fisette & Marc Raffinot

A Sweet Meeting on Mimouna Night

by (author) Allison Ofanansky
illustrated by Rotem Teplow

Un endroit sans compromis

by (author) Keith Weaver

Archaeology of the Lake Harbour District, Baffin Island

by (author) Moreau S. Maxwell


by (author) Sigmund Brouwer
translated by Rachel Martinez

Canada Before Confederation

A Study on Historical Geography

by (author) Cole Harris

Voyage au pays des merveilles

Quatre autobiographies d'immigrants

by (author) Pierre Crépeau

Pig Girl

by (author) Colleen Murphy

Charles-François Lirette

Pélerin-photographe d'Amérique

by (author) Réal Girard, Léandre Lirette & Jeanne Lirette-Charron

Rudan Mì-bheanailteach is an Cothroman, Dàin

Intangible Possibilities, Poems

by (author) Lodaidh MacFhionghain & Lewis MacKinnon

Protegér la démocratie canadienne

Le Senat, en vérité …

by (author) Serge Joyal

The Frontier and Canadian Letters

by (author) Wilfrid Eggleston
introduction by D.O. Spettigue

News and Weather

Seven Canadian Poets

edited by August Kleinzahler

Interior Salish tribes of British Columbia

A photographic collection

edited by Leslie H. Tepper

Vestiges de l'indiscipline

Environnements d'art et anarchitectures

by (author) Valérie Rousseau


Comment se pensent le Nous et le Moi dans l'espace mythique des nomades septentrionaux sekani

by (author) Jean-Marc Desgent & Guy Lanoue

Financement de la santé et efficacité de l’aide internationale

Enjeux, défis et perspectives

by (author) Mamadou Barry & Hachimi Sanni Yaya

Knife Throwing Through Self-Hypnosis

by (author) Robin Richardson

Global Poetry Anthology 2017

edited by Editors of the Montreal Poetry Prize

Global Poetry Anthology 2015

edited by Editors of the Montreal Poetry Prize

Déploiements canadiens-français et métis en Amérique du Nord (18e-20e siècle)

edited by Yves Frenette, Marie-Ève Harton & Marc St-Hilaire
contributions by Joanne Burgess, Danielle Gauvreau, Sarah Hurlburt, Étienne Rivard, Evan Roberts, Léon Robichaud, Gabrielle Rouleau, Nicole St-Onge, Marc Tremblay & John Willis
series edited by Pierre Desrosiers

Cahiers Charlevoix 13

Études franco-ontariennes

edited by La Société Charlevoix
by (author) Jean-Pierre Pichette, Michel Bock, Marcel Bénéteau, Simon Laflamme, Yves Frenette, Julie Boissonneault & Ali Reguigui

Enseignement de la traduction et traduction dans l'enseignement

edited by Jean Delisle & Hannelore Lee-Jahnke

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