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Challenging the Market

The Struggle to Regulate Work and Income

by (author) Jim Stanford & Leah F. Vosko

You Might Be From Saskatchewan If…

Volume 1

by (author) Carson Demmans
illustrated by Jason Sylvestre

Médecine et religion populaires / Folk medicine and religion

edited by Pierre Crépeau

Tonneliers du Québec

by (author) Eileen Marcil

Problématiques identitaires et discours de l'exil dans les littératures francophones

edited by Anissa Talahite-Moodley

Langages de l'interprétation personnalisées / The languages of live interpretation

L'animation dans les musée / Animation in museums

edited by Jean-Marc Blais

Contes indiens de la basse côte nord du Saint Laurent Rémi Savard.

by (author) Rémi Savard

Canada's Fluid Borders

Trade, Investment, Travel, Migration

edited by Geoffrey Hale & Greg Anderson
contributions by Patricia Dewey-Lambert, Monica Gattinger, Jill Hobbs, William Kerr, Meredith Lilly & Andrew Moroz

Thule Eskimo Prehistory along Northwestern Hudson Bay

by (author) Allen Papin McCartney

Greenville Burial Ground

Human Remains and Mortuary Elements in British Columbia Coast Prehistory

by (author) Jerome S. Cybulski

Beothuck Archaeology in Bonavista Bay

by (author) Paul Carignan

Lumière sur la réforme du système de santé au Nouveau-Brunswick

Évolution, jeux d’acteurs et instruments

by (author) Stéphanie Collin

Indices de manifestations culturelles de l'archaique

La région de Trois-Rivières

by (author) Roger J.M. Marois & René Ribes


by (author) Vivian Zenari

Mythical Man

by (author) David Ly

What's Going on at the Time Tonight

by (author) Gerald Mercer
illustrated by Holly DeWolf

Q & A

by (author) Adrienne Gruber

Au pas, camarade


by (author) Eric Walters

Le messianisme de Louis Riel

by (author) Gilles Martel

A Boy's Life of Napoleon

by (author) Alden Nowlan

Le Silence se glisse près de toi

by (author) Alison Hughes
illustrated by Ninon Pelletier

Based on Actual Events

by (author) Robert Moore

La ville inclusive

Dans les pas de Caroline Andrew

edited by Anne Gilbert & Guy Chiasson
series edited by Geneviève Tellier

Roch Carrier

Aimer la vie, conjurer la mort

by (author) Gilles Dorion


A Thule Culture Site on Bathurst Island, Northwest Territories, Canada

by (author) William Ewart Taylor & Robert McGhee

Archaeological Survey of Canada Annual Review 1980-1981 / Commission archéologique du Canada, rapports annuels 1980-1981

edited by Robert McGhee

Spirit of the West

The Art of Don Brestler

by (author) Arjun Gupta

Québec 1765-1832

L'évolution d'une ville coloniale

by (author) David T. Ruddel

La Jeunesse au Canada français

Formation, mouvements et identité

edited by Michel Bock

Parliament of women

The National Council of Women of Canada, 1893-1929

by (author) Veronica Jane Strong-Boag

In the Sky at Nighttime

read by Laura Deal
illustrated by Tamara Campeau

The Farm Show

by (author) Ted Johns & Paul Thompson

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