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Showing 1057-1088 of 2530 results

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Infinity, Faith, and Time

Christian Humanism and Renaissance Literature

by (author) John Spencer Hill

Central Works of Philosophy, Volume 1

Ancient and Medieval

by (author) John Shand

The Dialectic of Truth and Fiction in Joshua Oppenheimer's The Act of Killing

by (author) Milo Sweedler
contributions by Colman Hogan & Marta Marín-Dòmine

Behind the Label

by (author) Lorna Schultz Nicholson

Challenges of Minority Governments in Canada

by (author) Marc Gervais

A Karenina Companion

by (author) C.J.G. Turner

Modal Logics and Philosophy, Second Edition

by (author) Rod Girle

Clinical Skills Review

Scenarios Based on Standardized Patients

edited by Zu-hua Gao & Christopher Naugler

Society, the Sacred and Scripture in Ancient Judaism

A Sociology of Knowledge

by (author) Jack N. Lightstone

The Solidarity Encounter

Women, Activism, and Creating Non-Colonizing Relations

by (author) Carol Lynne D'Arcangelis

Parties, Elections, and the Future of Canadian Politics

edited by Amanda Bittner & Royce Koop

The Girl from Chimel

by (author) Rigoberta Menchú & Dante Liano
translated by David Unger
illustrated by Domi

A Bridge of Ships

Canadian Shipbuilding during the Second World War

by (author) James Pritchard

The Wanderer Rises

by (author) John Robertson

Emerging Technologies in Distance Education

edited by George Veletsianos

The Rise of Populism

The Munk Debates

by (author) Stephen K. Bannon & David Frum
edited by Rudyard Griffiths

Beyond Suffering

Recounting War in Modern China

edited by James Flath & Norman Smith

Sonata for Fish and Boy

illustrated by Milan Pavlović


by (author) Rob Benvie

Glorious & Free

The Canadians

by (author) Rita Field-Marsham & Kim Bozak
illustrated by Frank Viva
foreword by Yann Martel

A Coyote Solstice Tale

by (author) Thomas King
illustrated by Gary Clement

Waterfall Hikes in the Canadian Rockies – Volume 1

Banff - Kananaskis - Crowsnest - Waterton - Yoho - BC Rockies

by (author) Steve Tersmette

Central Works of Philosophy, Volume 3

The Nineteenth Century

by (author) John Shand

Moví la mano / I Moved My Hand

by (author) Jorge Luján
illustrated by Mandana Sadat
translated by Elisa Amado

Vulcans, Earthlings and Marketing ROI

Getting Finance, Marketing and Advertising onto the Same Planet

by (author) David Rutherford & Jonathan Knowles

Love and the Soul

Psychological Interpretations of the Eros and Psyche Myth

by (author) James Gollnick

Once Upon an Hour

by (author) Ann Yu-Kyung Choi
illustrated by Soyeon Kim



by (author) Anuja Varghese

Future of NATO

Enlargement, Russia, and European Security

by (author) Charles-Philippe David & Jacques Lévesque


A Canadian in the French Foreign Legion

by (author) Joel Adam Struthers
foreword by Benoit Desmeulles

Inside the Montreal Mafia

The Confessions of Andrew Scoppa

by (author) Félix Séguin & Eric Thibault
translated by Julia Jones


From Ancient Origins to a Problematic Future

by (author) Mary Soderstrom

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