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Atlas historique des pratiques religieuses

Le Sud-Ouest du Québec au XIXe siècle

edited by Louis Rousseau & Frank W. Remiggi

The Swearing Jar

by (author) Kate Hewlett

L (and things come apart)

by (author) Ian Orti

Tunique aux couleurs multiples

Deux siècles de présence juive au Canada

by (author) Irving Abella

La Francophonie canadienne

Renouveau constitutionnel et gouvernance scolaire

by (author) Michael D. Behiels
translated by François Gauthier

Traductions et métraductions de Jane Austen

Effacement et survivance de la voix auctoriale

by (author) Rosemarie Fournier-Guillemette
series edited by Lori Saint-Martin

Conscience et enquête

L'ethnologie des réalités canadiennes

edited by Marc-Adélard Tremblay

Visions of Canada

The Alan B. Plaunt Memorial Lectures, 1958 - 1992

by (author) Bernard Ostry & Janice Yalden

Wolf Spirit

A Story of Healing, Wolves and Wonder

by (author) Gudrun Pflüger


by (author) Hugh Thomas

The Cuffer Anthology

A Selection of Short Fiction

edited by Pam Frampton

The Cloaca

by (author) Andrew Hood

La tête haute


by (author) Maurice Henrie

Dead Man's Float

by (author) Derk Wynand

Le Suicide assisté

Héraut des moralités changeants

by (author) Joane Martel

The Flower Can Always Be Changing

by (author) Shawna Lemay

Pour sortir les allumettières de l’ombre

Les ouvrières de la manufacture d’allumettes E. B. Eddy de Hull (1854-1928)

by (author) Kathleen Durocher

Le Québec traduit en Espagne

Analyse sociologique de l’exportation d’une culture périphérique

by (author) María Sierra Córdoba Serrano

C.B. Macpherson

Dilemmas of Liberalism and Socialism

by (author) William Leiss


by (author) Kaie Kellough

Wrack Line

by (author) M.W. Jaeggle

La famille Fermanian

L’histoire du cinéma Pine de Sainte-Adèle

by (author) Stéphane Desjardins

Way Back Then

by (author) Neil Christopher
illustrated by Germaine Arnattaujuq (Arnaktauyok)

Holi Colors Read-Along

by (author) Rina Singh
read by Heather Gould

The Walrus and the Caribou

read by Maika Harper & Louise Flaherty
illustrated by Marcus Cutler

Kelly Clark

by (author) Kelly Clark

Physician's Guide to Coping with Death and Dying

by (author) Jan Swanson MD & Alan Cooper

Beyond Mysticism

by (author) James R. Horne

Publicité de masse et masse publicitaire

Le marché québecois des années 1920 aux années 1960

by (author) Luc Côté & Jean-Guy Daigle


Un tableau d'Adam Miller

by (author) Clarence Epstein, François-Marc Gagnon, Donald Kuspit & Alexandre Turgeon

« L’Union fait la force! »

L’Union Saint-Joseph d’Ottawa/du Canada 1863-1920

by (author) Pierrick Labbé

Breaking Disaster

Newspaper Stories of the Halifax Expolsion

by (author) Katie Ingram

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