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Showing 1217-1248 of 2530 results

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Canadian Rajah

by (author) Dave Carley

The Melville Boys

by (author) Norm Foster

Lessons on the Noun Phrase in English

From Representation to Reference

by (author) Walter Hirtle

Bruner-Colasanti Site

An Early Late Woodland Component, Essex County, Ontario

by (author) Paul Anthony Lennox

This Godforsaken Place

by (author) Cinda Gault


The Biography of Lady Macdonald

by (author) Louise Reynolds

Night Lunch

by (author) Mike Chaulk

Solidarités provinciales

Histoire de la Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Nouveau-Brunswick

by (author) David Frank
translated by Réjean Ouellette

Regards sur l’âme en Nouvelle-France

Histoire des spiritualités individuelles et collectives en espace colonial

by (author) Joy Palacios & Anne Régent-Susini

Profiting the Crown

Canada's Polymer Corporation, 1942-1990

by (author) Matthew J. Bellamy

La Dynamique multiculturelle et les fins de l'histoire

by (author) Réal Fillion

Yellow Line

by (author) Sylvia Olsen

The Walrus and the Caribou

by (author) Maika Harper
illustrated by Marcus Cutler

Stars Need Counting

Essays on Suicide

by (author) Concetta Principe

Holi Colors

by (author) Rina Singh

Potières du Buisson

La céramique de tradition Melocheville sur le site Hector-Trudel

by (author) Christian Gates St-Pierre

Études sur la traduction de l'anglais

by (author) G.M. de Rochmondet
introduction and notes by Benoit Léger

Une maison solide

by (author) Katrina Chen & Elaine Su
illustrated by Delphie Côté-Lacroix
translated by Rachel Martinez

Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe and Canada

edited by Louis Knafla

Tu es là pour moi

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
translated by Rachel Martinez


Resources and Results

edited by Alastair McKinnon

Une idée pour Papi

by (author) Heather Smith
illustrated by Brooke Kerrigan
translated by Rachel Martinez

Tu es là pour moi

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
translated by Rachel Martinez
read by Mireille Messier

Nouveaux territoires de la poésie francophone au Canada 1970-2000

edited by Jacques Paquin

Precarious Visualities

New Perspectives on Identification in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture

by (author) Olivier Asselin, Johanne Lamoureux & Christine Ross

Les Défis des PME du Sud et du Nord

Vers leur développement durable

by (author) Laura Bacali, Martine M. Spence, Théophile Dzaka-Kikouta & Roxana C. Cordos

Pensionnats du Canada : La réconciliation

Rapport final de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada, Volume 6

by (author) Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada

Le Counselling

Stratégies et interventions

by (author) Pierre Poirier & Evelyn Gagné

Gilles Paquet

Homo hereticus

edited by Caroline Andrew, Ruth Hubbard & Jeffrey Roy

Going to Beautiful

by (author) Anthony Bidulka


by (author) Maurice Henrie

Luttes paysannes en Colombie 1970-2016

Conflit agraire et perspectives de paix

by (author) Leila Celis

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